Devry HRM 590 Human Resource Management Week 3 DQ and Assignment

HRM 590 Human Resource Management

Week 3

Week 3: Planning, Job Analysis, and Forecasting – Discussion 1

Job Analysis (Graded)

After reviewing the Week 2 tutorial, what value does creating task and KSA statements bring to job analysis? Find another job analysis model and thoroughly describe the model (do not copy and paste information; provide a summary). Be sure to check your classmates’ postings before submitting your own – there should be no duplicates. Use the model your current HRM department uses, or find one through research. Be sure to include the source so we may review the model.

Week 3: Planning, Job Analysis, and Forecasting – Discussion 2

Forecasting and Planning (Graded)

As part of the strategic partnership HRM has now formed with the business, we must create an HRM plan that aligns with the company’s business plan. Share all the information you would need to begin creating your strategic HRM plan. Describe how forecasting and planning will fit in your HRM plan. Be sure to link all of your HRM plan components to a business strategy.

Week 3 Assignment:

HRM 590 Week 3 Written Assignment 1 (Job Analysis) (1000+ Words)

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