Saint MAT131 Individual assignment 1

Your instructor will send the instructions for this project to you via course email. When you complete your project, submit it to the Dropbox

Your Individual Project 1 (described under Module 4) is also due by Midnight on Sunday, March 29th. This assignment carries the same weight as a test; so please take it seriously and answer each of the questions as required. Hope it is a fun assignment; and please don’t wait till the last minute to complete it. Please note that there is no Discussion topic for this week.

Complete Exercise 1 on pages 17-18 in The Value of Thinking Mathematically booklet. This booklet (NOT IN OUR TEXTBOOK) is part of your class materials; but is also available as a downloaded document in the DOC SHARING portion of our course webpage.

This Exercise 1 calls for 29 geometric shapes; but you are responsible for ONLY 15 shapes of your choosing. Any 15 from the list of 29.

Although a digital camera isn’t required, if you have access to one, it would make the assignment easier.

This may be completed in such a way that you and Mr. G can “view” or “watch” the assignment as a presentation. That means you may use a common tool such as those available in Microsoft Office (Word or Powerpoint), or one that has a free “player” so Mr. G can access the presentation.

Please be sure to use examples of the figures that are unique from your environment. “Making” a shape such as placing five noodles in the shape of a pentagon will be acceptable if no everyday examples are available. If all else fails, you may also use the internet for photos or diagrams.


You may submit your assignment to me in the DROPBOX as an attachment.

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